SOEZI collaborated with ThinkSurvey for end-to-end Market Research to launch its Press-on-Nails

An overview:
Srishti Raai, the Co-Founder of SOEZI Beauty LLP, was looking to launch a range of press-on-nails (aka artificial nails) which are not the regular press-ons already available in the market. There was a serious need amongst women in India who wanted easy-to-use, glamorous, and good quality press-on-nails which are Made in India.
The Challenge:
The beauty brand was ready to conquer this unexplored market segment. However, the lack of accurate, first-hand market insights was its biggest hurdle toward making and launching a successful product. Srishti presented us with the following objectives:
- Understanding consumer persona & preference toward beauty products
- Consumer awareness towards press-on-nails/artificial nails
- Price positioning of the products vis-à-vis consumer acceptance
Our Working Process:
ThinkSurvey accepted the challenge and presented the client with the following steps in their quest.
1. Requirement Gathering
Let’s kick-start, lock the objectives of research and define the scope of work
2. Market Study
Qualitative research of the market creates the foundation and gives direction
3. Questionnaire Design
A powerful instrument to capture the mindset of your target audience
4. Data Collection
Time to float the survey to our proprietary audience panel across India
5. Quantitative Analysis
Our experts churn data from every possible angle to bring out the best results
6. Final Closure
Time to bring everybody on board, discuss the findings, and take actions

Data Collection
Time to float the survey to our proprietary audience panel
Quantitative Analysis
Our experts churn data from every possible angle to bring out the best results
Final Closure
Time to bring everybody on board, discuss the findings, and take actions
The Result:
After receiving the final report from ThinkSurvey, SOEZI was successfully able to make decisions on the product offerings, price positioning & identifying the USPs of each nail type.
In May 2022, SOEZI press-on-nails hit the market with a bang offering more than 20 types of nail designs and has been the favourite brand of women in India ever since.

“ThinkSurvey was able to provide accurate data collection, giving an overall market overview & also helping with curating the kind of research required for every product.” – Srishti Raai, Co-Founder, SOEZI Beauty LLP