Data Collection for Academic Research on Selling Practices followed by e-commerce websites during Covid 19

An overview:
Dr. Neha Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor of Marketing at IIM Rohtak, led this research study on e-commerce websites’ selling practices and their impact on consumers, with a focus on medicines and medical equipment. Due to covid restrictions, offline surveys were not possible to carry and hence the researcher approached ThinkSurvey to run this study and collect responses from our Online Data Collection Platform.
About challenges imposed by covid19:
Covid has brought so many challenges in the lives of so many people around the world. Not only it created health concerns it also imposed lockdown and many restrictions. While shops and local stores were forced to shutdown, online websites came as a relief when they continued accepting orders for basic amenities. This whole scenario has also caught the eyes of researchers who have continued taking interest in topics of research on covid, lockdown and its implications on general consumers.

What the researcher was looking for:
Participants who have purchased a medical product from any eCommerce website
Consumers who were affected by covid in any manner
Online participants who could answer this study
Getting honest and meaningful responses
How our Online Data Collection Platform helped:
ThinkSurvey has 100% online participants available on its platform. A total of 400 participants successfully completed this study. The researcher was happy with the relevancy of the data and the varied demographics we provide such as – age, gender, location, education, income, marital status, profession, etc.
In the context of covid lockdown and the selling practices followed by eCommerce websites, the researcher was able to answer some hard-hitting questions like – consumer vulnerability and trust towards ecommerce, consumer’s perception regarding the ethics of online retailers, and inability to distinguish between e-commerce fraudulent actives and non-fraudulent activities.